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The 2016–2020 Trump era was in reality fairly pedestrian. Despite your claims to the contrary, the economy grew at nominal rates (between 2.2% and 3%) and actually shrunk by 3.4% in your last year. That is nothing compared to the growth seen under other Presidents such as Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan. Your vaunted tax cuts did nothing to stimulate manufacturing or other sectors of the economy; they just put money in the pockets of the already wealthy, including yourself. Your trade wars did nothing but raise prices for American consumers and left many small farmers bankrupt and in need of government bailouts. In the end, you also raised the national debt by a full 25%. Nice going.
Like every other politician from time immemorial, you made promises to get elected. Some you kept, some you didn’t, and some you should have known better than to have made. You promised a big, beautiful wall all along our southern border, a wall that Mexico would finance. You managed a few miles of largely ineffectual new wall - and Mexico never paid for a foot of it. You promised a wonderful infrastructure plan. Roads, bridges, airports, and harbors were not repaired or rebuilt on any meaningful scale. You promised a “better and cheaper” healthcare plan to replace Obamacare. None was ever even proposed by you or your minions in Congress. Historians will look at your promises and how they were kept and go “Meh”.
How were you on foreign policy? Let’s see. You insulted and threatened our treaty partners in NATO and our closest allies, including - of all countries - Canada! You praised, made obeisance, and otherwise sucked up to our adversaries and their dictators, most notably Putin, Comrade Xi, Saudi prince MBS, and your special little buddy Kim Jong Un. You are now bragging that there were no wars while you were President. People were dying in battle every day in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, often at the hands of the tyrants you so admire. Your stated goal of moving the US towards isolationism set the stage for much of what is going on in the world today. And let’s never forget that your early public downplaying of the Covid-19 pandemic played a large part in many Americans not taking even elementary precautions and over 350,000 dying in your last year in office.
Donald, your ego insists that you were a genius and a great President, maybe the greatest. But you were not the greatest or the smartest. You were just the loudest. You came to office endorsing hate, not offering hope. You will be remembered more for your disgraceful and desperate attempts to retain power after losing the free and fair 2020 election than for anything you did while President. And - depending on how the next few months go, possibly for being the only POTUS to ever end his days in custody of some sort. Hell of a legacy, sir.
The lying friends of Putin shake hands - fuck them! Read more about them here:
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